How to split a list into multiple lists using Python

Learn how to split a list into multiple lists based on values in a column in a CSV or Excel file using a Python Script.

If you deal with data as part of your business, you must have stumbled upon this problem where you want to split a list into multiple lists. Many of you look for a solution in Excel or Google Sheets, but a solution in Python is a lot more convenient, especially when you have access to online spaces like Jupyter Notebooks or Google Colab.

Problem Statement: How to split a list into multiple lists based on a column in a spreadsheet

What is the required input to split a list into multiple lists using Python?

A CSV file consisting of all the data you want to split into multiple lists.

What is the output of the Python Script?

  1. Separate Lists as Multiple CSVs.
  2. Single Excel (XLSX) file with multiple tabs.

Steps to follow in the Python Script

  1. Enter the name of the input file.
  2. Select the column you want to use to split the file.
  3. Select the output format (CSV or XLSX).
  4. If the output format is CSV, look for CSV files named after values in the column used for splitting the file.
  5. If the output format is XLSX, look for an XLSX file with tabs named after values in the column used for splitting the file.

Python script to split a list into multiple lists based on a column in a spreadsheet

import pandas as pd

filename = input("Enter file to be split: ")

    df = pd.read_csv(filename, na_values={'Owner':None})
    print("Please enter a valid file name and try again!")

print('\nSelect the index corresponding to the column you want to use to split the file:')

i = 0
for item in df.columns:
    print (i, "-", item)
    i = i + 1

raw_index = input ('\nSelect the index: ')

print ('\nFile', filename, 'will be split using', df.columns[int(raw_index)], 'as splitter.')
split_df = df.groupby(df.columns[int(raw_index)])

raw_file_type = input ("\nOutput Format:\n 0 - CSV\n 1 - XLSX\nPick the output file type: ")

if int(raw_file_type) == 0:
    print("\nInput file", filename, "will be split into multiple CSVs named as: ")
    for owner, owner_df in split_df:
        owner_df.to_csv(owner+'.csv', index = False)
    writer = pd.ExcelWriter('Output.xlsx')
    print("\nInput file", filename, "will be split into multiple tabs in Output.xlsx with the following sheet names: ")
    for splitter, splitter_df in split_df:
        print (splitter)
        splitter_df.to_excel(writer, sheet_name = splitter, index = False)


Demo of the Python script to split a list into multiple lists based on a column in a spreadsheet

How to split a list into multiple lists using Python